Amit Malhotra - February 13, 2021

European countries are full of vibrant cities known for their museums, restaurants, nightlife, architecture and weather. European locale that offers a winning mix of family-friendly attractions and affordable hotels, as well as high approval among vacationers. There’s a grand total of 48 countries across this ultra-diverse continent, from Iceland in the north to Cyprus in the south, and even out to the Ural Mountains in Russia. The first stage is sorting out which places you’d most love to visit! But there are so many awesome destinations; you’ll never be able to tick them all off in one trip. You’re in love with the romance, the ancient history and the culture of Europe’s best-known cities. The idea of jumping from city to city by train – a new country every few days – gives you a massive buzz. Of course, you can’t talk about the great
outdoors in Europe without mentioning the Alps – stretching right through the center of the continent. Europe’s largest mountain range is also home its highest mountain – Mont Blanc at just under 16,000ft. The Alps spread across a whopping 7 different countries: France, Switzerland, Italy, Germany, Slovenia, Austria and little known Lichtenstein. Spending more time in each location gives you a chance to soak up as many sights as possible, explore the surrounding area and get a feel for the way of life. You’d rather spend a few weeks or months in one country or region, really making the most of your time rather than rushing on to the next destination. If you’re looking for the cheapest European countries to visit, you’ll have to think outside the box and head to lesser-known (but equally magical) destinations. Choose the best places to visit from our list of the most affordable European countries Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, Montenegro, Portugal, Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
Switzerland the land of stunning Alpine landscapes.

Bordered by five other nations and with four national languages and climate zones, Switzerland offers great bang for your European tourism buck. The birthplace of skiing and milk chocolate, it’s a pastoral wonderland of alpine chalets, beauteous panoramas and world-class cities. Europe also a very family friendly destination with many of the best cities to travel in Europe with kids! The transport is easy and generally language is communicable. The public transportation system is extremely efficient which makes it easy to see a lot of the sights while you are here. For sure the most popular way to travel through Europe and in my opinion the most enjoyable, train travel is a great way to see the countryside of Europe without the hassle of navigating for yourself. After trains and planes, the next most popular mode of transport in Europe is buses. Although I much prefer trains (they get you there faster and are a smoother ride), sometimes it is nice to take it slow, much cheaper, and even sometimes a necessity.

If you’re on a budget you really can’t beat bus travel. For a few euros you’ll find yourself hopping from A to B and the further East you travel, the further your pennies will take you.
I Love Europe !!!
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